To unravel the mystery at the heart of dance the exhibition takes inspiration from flamenco and its concept of duende, that intangible and ineffable moment of rapture when the chemistry between flamenco musicians, dancers and audience bubbles up and overwhelms everyone. Duende (literally ‘elf’ or ‘spirit’) is an untranslatable concept, a mysterious force that is manifested in the combination of certain sounds, words and gestures. Dancing Light captures the raw expression of flamenco in photography and in moving images: from the flamenco legend Vicente Escudero, who used film in the early 20th century to establish a dialogue with modern art, to the extremely individual dance expression of the flamenco dancer Antoñita La Singla, born deafmute, whose unique energy was captured in the early 1960s by the photographer Xavier Miserachs.
Visual identity (2D) | Print communications | Signage | Brochure
96 pages | 170 × 240 mm | Dutch, English
Huis Marseille — Museum for Photography, 2014
Typefaces: Massilia (custom) and Raisonne
Printer: Rob Stolk, Amsterdam
Binder: Hexspoor
Material: Olin regular natural white 100 gsm and Olin smooth high white 250 gsm (cover)
Binding style: Sewn softcover with flaps