one size fits all

one size fits all — The Best Dutch Book Designs 2000

cataloque = data = text = one font one size one style
cataloque designed in just one typeface and -style: Helvetica 9 pt regular

204 pages  |  190 × 230 mm  |  Dutch, English
Stichting De Best Verzorgde Boeken, Amsterdam, 2001

Typeface: Helvetica 9 pt regular
Papers: Symbol Pearl 130 gsm, Arctic Extreme 90 gsm, Consort Card 220 gsm (cover)
Production: Grafische Cultuurstichting
Printer: Lecturis, Eindhoven
Poster and enveloppe: Drukkerij Mart.Spruijt, Amsterdam
Binder: Hexspoor (Otapur)
Binding style: softcover with (uneven) flaps