Art or Earth?

La Biennale di Venezia 2024 — CATPC with Hicham Khalidi and Renzo Martens — The International Celebration of Blasphemy and the Sacred

The Dutch entry for the 60th edition of La Biennale di Venezia is provided by artist collective Cercle d’Art des Travailleurs de Plantation Congolaise (CATPC) together with artist Renzo Martens and curator Hicham Khalidi. The exhibition at the Dutch Pavilion in the Giardini is twinned with a presentation at the White Cube in Lusanga (DRC) and is part of CATPC’s ongoing commitment to reclaim land to reintroduce biodiversity, regenerate the soil and provide sustenance for the community in Congo.

The graphic design of the catalogue reflects and enhances the concept of the two connected locations. By turning the publication around as well as upside down, it delivers two catalogues in one; both share the same spine with the ancestral sculpture Balot in the core. This dichotomy also emphasizes the work process in which the clay sculptures from Lusanga are being transformed, through 3D-scans, into cacao sculptures on display in Venice. The cover is (optically) covered in palm oil from the Lusanga Post-Plantation.

Catalogue and exhibtion  |  Visual identity (2D)  |  Graphic Design
240 pages  |  210 × 280 mm  |  French and English
Mondriaan Fund, Amsterdam 2024

Typeface: Paralucent (MF Identity)
Papers: Constellation Snow E07 240 gsm (cover and dividers), Muskat Brown 290 gsm (inside cover), Circle Offset White 95cie 110 gsm and Maxi Gloss 115 gsm
Lithography: Wilco Art Books (Mariska Bijl) and Sanne Peper
Printer: Wilco Art Books, Amersfoort
Cover: Partly covered with spot laminate (Bron Soest)
Binding: Patist Boekbinders (PATAbind)
Exhibition lettering: Riwi Collotype, Amsterdam
Photos sculptures and exhibition © Peter Tijhuis